Terms and Conditions: Prices shown are based on one way fares for a single adult. A per person booking fee will apply.
*Due to rapidly changing flight availability, prices and date selections, fares displayed on these calendars may no longer be available.
If I don't agree to schedule changes made to my itinerary, can I use the ticket at a later date?
Generally no. If you have been subjected to a major schedule change of over 12 hours, you will have the option of changing your flight dates, where possible, or cancelling your booking with a full refund of airfares only, which could be used to book alternative flights. Any booking fees and credit card fees are non-refundable. Note, as the agent Mix & Match cannot take responsibility for the change of a schedule by an airline.
Once I accept a schedule change from the airline on an itinerary can I change my mind?
No, you are not able to change your mind. At the time the schedule change is made you will be given alternatives but these will not be offered once the initial change is accepted by the airline.
Can I receive a refund of taxes on my non-refundable ticket?
Yes. For international bookings you can claim back the cost of the taxes. Contact us on 0800 367 468 or help@mixandmatch.co.nz if you need to claim back your taxes. Please note this process can take the airline up to 6 weeks.
How can I cancel / change my ticket / flight?
You can cancel your reservation by calling us on 0800 367 468 or help@mixandmatch.co.nz.
How can I find out the status of my refund enquiry?
Please contact us on 0800 367 468 and we will be able to give you an update.
How can I get the date of travel changed?
Generally all tickets are issued on a non-refundable/ non-endorsable basis unless otherwise stated. However changes, if permitted, will incur a fee. Call us on 0800 367 468 to change any dates.
How do I transfer the tickets to another name?
All flight tickets are sold on a non-transferable basis therefore you cannot change the name.
I have requested a refund. How long does it take to process?
Refunds typically take 6-8 weeks as they are processed by the airlines.
If I cancel my flights booking what fees apply?
A Mix & Match cancellation fee of $30 per person per one-way flight (domestic) and $100 per person per one-way flight (international) will be charged in addition to supplier and airline fees. A same-day refund fee of $30 per person for domestic bookings and $60 per person for international bookings also applies. For full details of cancellations, please refer to the Airfare Rules, which are detailed on your itinerary and also in the search results.
What if I cancel my flight booking that has been purchased using Afterpay or Laybuy?
If you've used Afterpay or Laybuy to pay for your flight, you'll still need to stay on top of any remaining payments until we get that refund from the airline. It usually takes around 6 weeks. If your fare isn't refundable, you'll still need to keep up with all the payments if you decide to cancel your flight. A Mix & Match cancellation fee will apply in addition to supplier and airline fees.
If I want to amend/change/alter my flights booking what fees apply?
Any changes after booking will incur an amendment fee of $30 per person per one way flight (Domestic) and $60 per person per one way flight (International), in addition to supplier and airline fees. Airline tickets are non-transferable and so are not able to be transferred into another person's name. However if you have made an error when entering the passenger name details whilst making a booking on the website this error may be able to be corrected. Fees for this vary according to each airline. Whilst some tickets have specific maximum validity, no airline ticket is ever valid for more than 12 months from the date of original issue. Re-issue, amendment and upgrade conditions must be completed within the 12 months from the date of original issue.
If the airline makes a schedule change on my reservation do I have to pay anything extra?
No, you will not be charged.
My name is spelt incorrectly on my ticket.
An amendment fee may apply although charges can vary depending on the fare type and/or airline, call us on 0800 367 468 and we will help sort this out for you.
What are my options if I don't like the changes the airline made to my reservations?
From time to time, airlines have to amend their routes, schedules or flight numbers for operational reasons. Where this is the case, we will endeavour to notify you of any changes prior to your departure date. Most schedule changes have only a minor impact, if any. However, if you have concerns regarding the impact of a change on your other travel arrangements (e.g. connecting flights etc) please contact one of our outlets to discuss your options. A major change to your flight arrangements is classed as a change of more than 12 hours to your departure time, or a change of departure airport. In the event of a major schedule change, if a suitable alternative is available, we will offer it to you.
Who do I contact to get my tickets date amended while I'm overseas?
We recommend either contacting the airline locally, or contacting us on +64 3 357 3021 or help@mixandmatch.co.nz
What happens when I book connecting flights separately?
If making separate purchases of flights online for the same trip, no liability can be accepted for schedule changes, cancellations, voluntary or involuntary date amendments on one of the bookings which may then impact the suitability of the second booking. Where changes are then required to the second booking, normal amendment and/or cancellation penalties will apply.